This Book Ruined My StoryGraph Recommendations...

Off List Review: The Second Death of Edie and Violet Bond
Overall: D+
Summary: I was called a snob for this opinion but really, this one was beneath me....
I understand that I may be sounding like a very picky reader at this point but I have definitive proof that this book was awful. I recently started using a really neat book tracking app called "StoryGraph"[1]. Offers a convenient way to track books read, book lists, friends reading lists, etc.... Also, it has a powerful recommendation engine that I've been told is great....unfortunately, this trash-panda book was my first book read on the site and here are my recommendations:

That's right, my recommendations look like what you might actually recommend to an illiterate 12 year old girl. Undoing this disaster will probably take some time.
I can't really blame the person who sent this spawn of Satan book into my home. It wasn't actually intended for me (although, it probably says a lot about what this person thinks of my spouse....), nor was it really a recommendation. It was a thrift shop buy that the unnamed person "liked" and thus sent to my wife.
As I mentioned in my summary, the not recommender has called me a snob and difficult for telling her that I'm unhappy with her for bringing this low-IQ crap into my home, and you know what, I'll own both of those descriptive words if it means I'll end up on the right side of history.
Trust me, you'll be a better human being for not reading this book.
[1] Apple App, Android App