On a Roll

On a Roll

Eventually I'll find the time to write about my million page journey but until then, here's a short update to end 2024 πŸ˜„

I may have over committed (can't remember if I had been drinking) but I'm in for 365 short stories by end of 2025. Just finished #2 in two days and it was a real doozy. Also, trying to wrap up one more novel (Prisoners of the Castle) before the end of the year.

Short Story Review:

The Girl Who Was Plugged In (1973) by James Tiptree, Jr. (spoiler link not actual story).

Won't pretend that I would have understood this before reading the introduction of the anthology, but after reading that intro, this novella hit hard.


Less than 20 pages had me emotional as an ugly suicidal girl in the not too distant future gets to live "remotely" within a shell of an attractive girl but only if she's willing to sell herself to the concept of capitalism. Who is alive and who isn't depends on one's own definition of life itself. And, death, to both the ugly and the shell is devastating.