About Us
A book club without rails . . . readers beware.
A Literary Adventure with Two Hobos and a Bri started with just the two hobos (aka "the Illiterate" and "the English Major") as a not so serious and very informal "book club" in 2020. How the idea came to be is a little fuzzy but definitely probably maybe started with the following text exchange:
The Illiterate: If I could go back in time and kill one person, I think it'd be Shakespeare. Most overrated trash in existence.
The English Major: You're a short bus idiot. How are we friends?
The Illiterate: Let's start a book club!
The English Major: Sigh.....fine.*
In 2021 things got serious, YA was banned (over the Illiterate's objections) and insults became more frequent. The English Major's pretentiousness shined bright while the Illiterate picked a book that he had to go to Confession drunk in order to repent for.
In 2023, Homeschool was added by unanimous vote. Since then, she has challenged the Illiterate's position as lowest IQ daily but does it with such grace and in such high spirits that we now cannot imagine a club without her. 2023 also introduced punishment for failure to finish a book (money towards a group dinner), we'll just all admit that the English Major came out way ahead . . . .
Finally, 2024, what more can be said about 2024 than to say, malort!
(in truth, it definitely was the English Major who first suggested a book club)