2025 List Is Now....LIVE

2025 List Is Now....LIVE

If you want to skip ahead to just see the list, your loss, but, it's at the end ;)

Keep in mind the fact that my pen name is "The Illiterate" when I say that I am horrified that this year's "theme" is really going to make me feel like an idiot. Every year, right around October, someone in our little crew opens the door to start discussing "next year's theme", which, usually ends with some name calling, a week or so of silent pouting, and some drinking.

This year, the English Major was the one to crack the door wide open when he suggested we do a year of short stories. We got into the weeds almost immediately, apparently all settling on short stories being a forgone conclusion.

Now, don't get me wrong, I definitely protested a bit. I mentioned that it was my understanding that short stories tend to be short, but dense. That, again, my understanding (definitely not my experience because, well, I haven't read a whole lot of short stories), is that they tend to be "advanced", as in, not really for illiterates. The English Major insisted that my brain is "probably capable" of understanding "some short stories". Reluctantly I agreed as I knew that I had lost the debate when Homeschool chimed in (after days of silence) saying that short stories sounded like an awesome idea.....(idiot).

So, here we were, in October, solidifying around the idea of short stories, but, the details had to be ironed out. And, somehow, really don't ask me how, it's still very fuzzy, we landed on the following:

      1. Everyone would pick 24 short stories + 1 novel for a total of 72 short stories and 3 novels for the year
      2. 2 short stories per week for 9 months of the year
      3. 1 novel per month for the remaining 3 months

Punishment for failure: TBD

With 2024 being generally successful for me personally (as I mentioned before, I ended up finishing all of our novels first and in record speed), I'm confident 2025 will be something very different for me.



February: Adventurous Beginnings & Just a Bit of SciFi

March: Can I Getta Little SciFi Please

April: War & Peace (aka War & Humor)


June: The Horror! + some Lit

July: Fiction & Literature

August: A Month of Dabbling (SciFi, Adventure, Literature)


  • TBD - Blame Homeschool . . . .

October: The Horror!

November: Cyber-Punk Sandwhich with Horror and Random as the Bread

December: Smorgasbord